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The highest price is €79,66 Reset

232 products

Tian Hu Shan Grüntee Matcha 80 g in verpackung
€3,77 €4,66€47,13 / kg
Tian Hu Shan green tea Matcha 80 g
gluten free vegan MSG Free
Tropical Gourmet Bananenchips Gesalzen (Plantain) 85 g verpackt in Tütte
€1,99 €23,41 / kg
Tropical Gourmet Banana Chips Salted (Plantain) 85 g
gluten free vegan MSG Free
Royal Thai Sriracha Chilisoße Scharf 210 ml frontseite flasche
Royal Thai Sriracha Chilisoße Scharf 210 ml rückseite flasche
€2,77 €13,19 / l
Royal Thai Sriracha Chili Sauce Hot 210 ml
gluten free vegan Halal
Tilda Basmatireis 1 Kg in verpackung
€7,38 €8,99€7,38 / kg
Tilda Basmati Rice 1 Kg
gluten free Vegan MSG Free
Royal Orient Bambussprossen Streifen 227 g in Konserve verpackt
€1,19 €5,24 / kg
Royal Orient Bamboo Shoots Strips 227 g
Gluten Free vegan MSG Free
Royal Orient Bambussprossen Scheiben 227 g in Konserve verpackt
€1,19 €5,24 / kg
Royal Orient Bamboo Shoots Slices 227 g
Gluten Free vegan MSG Free
Kikkoman Soy Sauce 250 ml
€3,99 €15,96 / l
Kikkoman Soy Sauce 250 ml
vegan MSG free
Bamboo Tree Reispapier Sommerrolle Viereckig 22 cm 400 g Utoppa Lebensmittel
€2,66 €6,65 / kg
Bamboo Tree Rice Paper Summer Roll Square 22 cm 400 g
gluten free vegan MSG Free
Nongshim Süsskartoffel Snack 55 g verpackung
€1,89 €34,36 / kg
Nongshim Sweet Potato Snack 55 g
Tsingtao Bier 4,7% Vol. 330 ml in flasche
Tsingtao Bier 4,7% Vol. 330 ml  im glas
€1,66 €1,88€5,03 / l
Tsingtao Beer 4.7% Vol. 330 ml
above 18+ only
Foco Kokoswasser-Getränk 350 ml - Utoppa - Lebensmittel aus aller Welt
Foco Kokoswasser-Getränk 350 ml - Utoppa - Lebensmittel aus aller Welt
€1,69 €4,83 / l
Foco Coconut Water Drink 350 ml
Gluten Free vegan MSG Free
TRS Garam Masala 100 g in Tüte
€1,48 €1,99€14,80 / kg
TRS Garam Masala 100 g
Gluten Free vegan MSG Free
Royal Thai Klebereis 1 Kg verpackt in Tütte
€3,55 €3,55 / kg
Royal Thai Sticky Rice 1 Kg
KTC Virgin Coconut Oil cold pressed 500 ml
€9,66 €10,99€19,32 / l
KTC Virgin Coconut Oil cold pressed 500 ml
Gluten Free vegan MSG Free
Golden Turtle Limettensaft 250 ml
Golden Turtle Limettensaft 250 ml
€1,59 €6,36 / l
Golden Turtle Lime Juice 250 ml
Koikeya Potato Chips Teriyaki 100 g
€2,32 €2,68€23,20 / kg
Koikeya Potato Chips Teriyaki 100 g
Sempio Apple Cider Vinegar 500 ml
Sempio Apple Cider Vinegar 500 ml
€1,88 €2,44€3,76 / l
Sempio Apple Cider Vinegar 500 ml
Gluten Free vegan MSG Free
Nittaya Currypaste Gelbe Kari Vegan 400 g verpackung
€5,88 €6,44€14,70 / kg
Nittaya Curry Paste Yellow Kari Vegan 400 g
Gluten Free Vegan
Nittaya Green Vegan Curry Paste 50 g
€1,32 €1,99€0,00 / 100mg
Nittaya Green Vegan Curry Paste 50 g
Gluten Free Vegan MSG Free
€5,77 €6,88€11,54 / kg
Nongshim chili powder coarse red 500 g
Gluten Free Vegan MSG Free
Altn Shaomai auf Pflanzenbasis 200 g
Altn Shaomai plant-based 200 g
€7,66 €38,30 / kg
Altn Shaomai plant-based 200 g
Vegan Frozen Halal
Smart Chef Duftreis Langkorn Jasmin 1 Kg verpackt
€3,88 €4,66€3,88 / kg
Smart Chef Fragrant Rice Long Grain Jasmine 1 Kg
Gluten-Free vegan MSG Free
Sold Out -17%
Lao Gan Ma Crispy Chili in Oil 210 g
Lao Gan Ma Crispy Chili in Oil 210 g
€3,88 €4,88€18,48 / kg
Lao Gan Ma Crispy Chili in Oil 210 g
Gluten Free Vegan
Squid Vegane Fischsauce 180 ml - Utoppa - Lebensmittel aus aller Welt
Squid Vegane Fischsauce 180 ml - Utoppa - Lebensmittel aus aller Welt
€5,22 €29,00 / l
Squid Vegan Fish Sauce 180 ml
Gluten Free Vegan
MegaChefVeganeAusternSauce570g verpackung
€5,90 €10,35 / kg
Mega Chef Vegan Oyster Sauce 570 g
Gluten Free Vegan
Ashoka Ingwer & Knoblauchpaste 1 Kg - Utoppa - Lebensmittel aus aller Welt
Ashoka Ginger & Garlic Paste 1 Kg
€7,19 €7,19 / kg
Ashoka Ginger & Garlic Paste 1 Kg
Gluten Free Vegan
Sold Out
Tropical Gourmet Süße Bananenchips (Plantain)  85 g in tüte verpackt
€1,99 €23,41 / kg
Tropical Gourmet Sweet Banana Chips (Plantain) 85 g
Gluten Free Vegan
TRS Chiliflocken extra scharf 100 g in Tüte
TRS Chiliflocken extra scharf 100 g in schale
€2,28 €3,19€22,80 / kg
TRS chili flakes extra hot 100 g
Gluten Free Vegan MSG Free
Bibigo Premium Kimchi Geschnitten 150 g Utoppa Lebensmittel
Bibigo Premium Kimchi Geschnitten 150 g - Utoppa - Lebensmittel aus aller Welt
€2,44 €16,27 / kg
Bibigo Premium Kimchi Sliced ​​150 g
vegan Halal
Sun Clad Shinode Rice Japanese Sushi Rice 1 Kg
€3,55 €3,99€3,55 / kg
Sun Clad Shinode Rice Japanese Sushi Rice 1 Kg
Royal Orient Sushi Reis 1 Kg in Tütte verpackt
€3,99 €4,33€3,99 / kg
Royal Orient Sushi Rice 1 Kg
Gluten Free Vegan MSG Free
OKF Aloe Vera Getränk ohne Zucker 500 ml verpackung
€1,99 €2,18€3,98 / l
OKF Aloe Vera Drink without Sugar 500 ml
Gluten Free vegan
Gold Kili Ginger Tea Natural 60 g
€5,88 €6,99€98,00 / kg
Gold Kili Ginger Tea Natural 60 g
O's bubble Instant Boba Schwarzer Tee 240 G verpackung
€7,88 €32,83 / kg
O's bubble Instant Boba Black Tea 240 G
S&B Premium Wasabipaste 90g verpackung mock up
€3,88 €4,22€43,11 / kg
S&B Premium Wasabi Paste 90g
Gluten Free vegan MSG Free
Mega Chef Glutenfreie Sojasauce 200 ml - Utoppa - Lebensmittel aus aller Welt
Mega Chef Glutenfreie Sojasauce 200 ml - Utoppa - Lebensmittel aus aller Welt
€3,55 €17,75 / l
Mega Chef Gluten-Free Soy Sauce 200 ml
Gluten Free Vegan
Nori Sheets Roasted Yaki Sushi White 25 g Sukina Premium
€3,66 €146,40 / kg
Nori Sheets Roasted Yaki Sushi White 25 g Sukina Premium
Gluten Free Vegan
Royal Orient	Sushi Reis 25 Kg verpackt in einer tütte
€73,88 €2,96 / kg
Royal Orient Sushi Rice 25 Kg
Gluten Free Vegan
Royal Orient Sushi Rice 10 Kg
€31,66 €3,17 / kg
Royal Orient Sushi Rice 10 Kg
Gluten Free Vegan MSG Free
Royal Orient Sushi Reis 5 Kg mockup
€15,30 €18,66€3,06 / kg
Royal Orient Sushi Rice 5 Kg
Gluten Free Vegan
Sold Out -18%
Smart Chef Duftreis Langkorn Jasmin 5Kg
€23,66 €4,73 / kg
Smart Chef Fragrant Rice Long Grain Jasmine 5 Kg
Gluten Free Vegan MSG Free
Noriblätter Geröstet Yaki Sushi Nori Grün Jhfoods 28 g verpackung
Jhfoods Noriblätter Geröstet Yaki Sushi Nori Grün 28 g - Utoppa - Lebensmittel aus aller Welt
€3,66 €13,07 / 100g
Nori Sheets Roasted Yaki Sushi Nori Green Jhfoods 28 g
Gluten Free Vegan
Smart Chef Duftreis Langkorn Jasmin 10 Kg verpackt
€32,66 €3,27 / kg
Smart Chef Fragrant Rice Long Grain Jasmine 10 Kg
Gluten Free Vegan MSG Free
Smart Chef Duftreis Langkorn Jasmin 20 Kg verpackt
€47,66 €2,38 / kg
Smart Chef Fragrant Rice Long Grain Jasmine 20 Kg
Gluten-free Vegan MSG Free
Sold Out
Nongshim Instantnudeln Shin Rot Super Spicy 120 g verpackung
€1,44 €1,55€12,00 / kg
Nongshim Instant Noodles Shin Red Super Spicy 120 g
Sukina Udon Noodles 200 g
€1,55 €7,75 / kg
Sukina Udon Noodles 200 g
Mai Wa Udon Noodles 200 g
Mai Wa Udon Noodles 200 g
€1,44 €7,20 / kg
Mai Wa Udon Noodles 200 g
Mitr Phol Cane & Coconut Blossom Sugar Mix 450 g
€3,18 €3,99€7,07 / kg
Mitr Phol Cane & Coconut Blossom Sugar Mix 450 g
Gluten Free Vegan
Bamboo Tree fresh coconut water 1 L
Bamboo Tree fresh coconut water 1 L
Gluten Free Vegan MSG Free
Cha Tra Mue Thai Teemix Pulver 400 g Utoppa Lebensmittel
€5,66 €14,15 / kg
Cha Tra Mue Thai tea mix powder 400 g
Gluten Free Vegan


The best vegan products at Utoppa – Sustainable and delicious alternatives

Veganism is not just a trend, but a growing movement that focuses on sustainability, health and animal welfare. At Utoppa, we offer a wide range of delicious, high-quality vegan products that appeal to both your taste buds and your values. Our range extends from everyday foods to international specialties that help you make a plant-based diet easier and more varied.

What you will find in our vegan collection

Our vegan collection includes a wide range of products from different categories. Here is an overview of our highlights:

1. Vegan ready meals

Perfect for anyone who is short on time but still wants to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Our vegan ready meals are not only practical, but also taste great. From Asian bowls to hearty stews - all dishes are 100% plant-based and free from animal ingredients.

2. Meat alternatives

For many people who are switching to a vegan diet, meat alternatives are a key category. We offer a wide range of plant-based meat substitutes that are reminiscent of traditional meat products not only in texture but also in taste. Whether burgers, sausages or vegan mince - at Utoppa you will find everything you need to prepare meat-free meals that will convince even meat lovers.

3. Milk substitutes

The demand for plant-based milk alternatives is constantly growing. Our selection of plant-based milk products such as oat milk, almond drinks and soy alternatives are not only suitable for coffee, but also for cooking, baking and smoothies. All products are rich in nutrients and contain no artificial additives.

4. Vegan snacks

Whether you're looking for a healthy snack between meals or a treat for special occasions, our vegan snack collection has something for every taste. From crisps and nuts to sweet treats like vegan chocolate bars or fruit gums, we've got the right thing for you.

5. Baking and cooking ingredients

We offer a wide range of vegan baking and cooking ingredients that allow you to make your favorite recipes vegan. These include egg substitutes, vegan butter and much more. Our ingredients are not only sustainable, but also of the highest quality.

Why shop vegan?

Veganism offers numerous benefits, both for the environment and for your health. Here are some of the main reasons why more and more people are choosing a plant-based diet:

  • Sustainability : Avoiding animal products significantly reduces CO2 emissions and water consumption. It also helps to conserve natural resources.
  • Health : Plant-based foods are often rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, while low in saturated fat and cholesterol. This may help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other chronic conditions.
  • Animal welfare : Avoiding animal products promotes animal welfare by reducing the exploitation of animals in food production.

Frequently asked questions about vegan nutrition

1. Are vegan products really healthier?
Many vegan products are rich in nutrients and contain less unhealthy fats or cholesterol. However, it is important to maintain a balanced diet and not just consume processed vegan products.

2. Which nutrients are often missing in a vegan diet?
Some nutrients, such as vitamin B12, iron and omega-3 fatty acids, are less present in plant-based foods. However, these can be supplemented with dietary supplements or conscious food choices.

3. Is switching to a vegan diet difficult?
With the right preparation and a varied menu, switching to a vegan diet is easier than ever. Many traditional recipes can easily be replaced with plant-based alternatives, and our vegan products offer you the perfect basis for a healthy diet.

Utoppa – your source for vegan quality

At Utoppa, our goal is to provide you with high-quality, sustainable and tasty vegan products. We work with trusted brands and producers to ensure that our products are not only good for you, but also good for the environment. Whether you're already vegan or just starting out, our collection has everything you need to enrich your plant-based diet.

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